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Though Alison Herman planned to move to the capital region of PA for work, some further research and a job offer changed it all.
Instead, in the summer of 2023, she decided to move to Elmira’s southside, where she lives with her cat, because she said, “It’s much easier to afford as a single professional.” Alison had been volunteering with the Chemung Habitat for Humanity while living in PA, so she was already familiar enough with the area to know she would be happy to live here. And it didn’t hurt that her family is a quick half-hour’s drive away in Mansfield, PA.
“I was excited to live in an urban area and to be within walking distance of shopping and work,” Alison said. “I was nervous about maintaining an older house, although being able to afford any house at all is still amazing to me.”
Alison shared that she is grateful to live near amenities and public transport. “The 5-minute commute to work has even made going back to grad school online a possibility (she should graduate with her MPA with Penn State in 2027!), and although owning an older house has come with its challenges, it hasn’t been anything I haven’t been able to handle so far.”
Today, Alison is the Grant Manager for Chemung County’s Planning Department.

Regarding misconceptions about life in Elmira, Alison said, “My experiences with crime were scarier in more isolated areas, and I honestly feel much safer in Elmira.” She added, “I think there’s a stronger sense of community here, which is a part of that. There are also a lot of unique opportunities in the Southern Finger Lakes area; I am considering taking flight lessons at Harris Hill next year, which never would have been an option elsewhere, even in locations where I’ve lived with airfields.”
A normal day for Alison includes getting up early to exercise and catch up on the news before work. She’s in the office most of the workday, managing various planning grants and projects according to County direction. Once home, she works on coursework for a few hours, “stopping my cat from eating my slippers,” maybe catching up on a good read or doing some needlepoint. When she can, “Maybe I’ll cook dinner for some friends and insist they take a survey associated with a County project!”
But Alison also loves taking advantage of all the region has to offer by taking a day to visit the wineries and hiking or kayaking on the lakes. “I was happy to hear that the Connecticut Hill area will be expanded,” she said, adding, “That is one of my favorite hiking spots.” Alison still volunteers with Habitat when she has the time, and she loves having a wonderful public library (Steele Memorial) that is within walking distance if there’s a book she wants to check out.
To anyone looking to relocate to the area, Alison wants you to know, “The Southern Finger Lakes area is a great place to live and is even still growing into its potential.” She added, “I’ve seen so much enthusiasm from residents for the city of Elmira in particular, and a lot of work is going into improving it at every level. It’s an exciting environment to work and live in, and I feel very fortunate to have it as my home.”
“I know many residents value the location, a relatively short distance to major cities, and I also know the schools have an excellent reputation,” she concluded.
Thank you, Alison, for sharing your story! Read more SoFLX stories to learn about life, work, and play in the Southern Finger Lakes.
Alison’s Aunt here: Couldn’t be prouder of my niece! She is a great asset to Chemung County and Elmira!